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Matt Dowling

Matt Dowling, Founder of Freelancer Club shares his creative journey, how he’s grown a business that advocates for creative freelancers and how a negative experience with a photography client motivated him to start this business. We talk about the business model of Freelancer Club, why it's different from other freelance marketplaces, where business and creativity come together and what the education system can do to support the creative industry. We also talked about how creative freelancers are vulnerable to exploitation, why Freelancer Club won’t post non-paying jobs and how his #nofreework campaign influenced government legislation in the UK.

The Freelancer Club

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Multi-media Artist, Jordan Baraniecki talks about how the pandemic has effected his practice, why it’s similar to the artist residency he did in Poland and why his newest project is is most dangerous.

Jordan Baraniecki

Duane Jones sitting with Oriana Duinker of the Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia

Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia, 2024 Creative Community Impact Award

DeRico Symonds

DeRico Symonds
