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I was introduced to Lance by the wonderful Kate and Emma of The Magic Project. They invited us to speak on a public panel discussion about some of the challenges of being a Black male in Halifax. I was re-introduced to Lance as aquakultre shortly after, when he performed as part of the event. I was blown away by his presence as a performer his voice and his ability to make music that feels commercial yet raw enough that the streets will still f*ck with it. With a major co-sign from CBC, when he was selected as the winner of Searchlight 2018, he'll get a chance to share his voice with a much larger audience. Follow the drip!

Here's a little more about Aquakultre 

Working in a genre self described as "aquavibe", 24 year old Lance Sampson displays a prenatural gift for individuation and inspiration. After a smattering amount of Soundcloud singles, including the effortless vibe inducer '1 Spring Garden', Sampson dropped his first collection,'Water Temple', in late March.

Touching on nu-blues, R&B and spacious neo-soul, his distinctive, captivating persona is felt throughout. Having spent time in and out of prison from ages 15-21, Sampson learned how to play guitar while incarcerated and used music as a means for spiritual focus. Fed up with the limitations his former musical persona, Lex, a hardcore emcee, Sampson opted instead for Aquakultre, a title that brings with it a renewed source of energy and exploration. In the early stages of a full and startling blossom, Aquakultre is Halifax's most exciting young voice.

Check out his music here.



Photos: Alex Pearson

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