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Hi 2017. Bye 2016.

I used the first day of 2017 to reflect on what went well and what didn't personally and professionally for me in 2016. I came up with a nice, manageable list of goals that I'm excited to pursue but sleep hard and stay woke stand out the most. I used to subscribe to the "hustle" at all cost philosophy but I gave that up a couple of years back because I believe that sleep and rest/play time are equally as important as hustle time. I used pull all nighters regularly because I thought that's what successful people do. But what exactly is success? Money? Things? We need sleep to properly recharge our bodies and minds so what good are nice things if you're dead or too sick to enjoy them? My new definition of success is having more time to do the things that I love with the people I love. It also means using my gifts to make a positive impact on the world.

I got woke.

A lot of people ask me what the deal is with the Woke Collection and what it means. Well... for me it's about opening our eyes to the greater issues around us - being aware - being truly awake. As social movements like Black Lives Matter gained traction I felt compelled to do more but when I thought about all of the world's problems it was overwhelming and I didn't know where to start.

My solution was to take one small step.

No one person can fix all of the world's problems, but if we all pledge to pick a cause and take one small step towards fixing it, 2017 will be an amazing year. 

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Woke Collection at Atlantic Fashion Week

Woke Collection at Atlantic Fashion Week

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