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Art Pays Gayneté

Gayneté Art Pays Me Podcast

This week’s episode features Gaynete' Jones, a leading millennial mentor, motivational speaker, best-selling author, blogger, founder of G.A.M.E. Changing Industries, Youtuber, plus the creator of The Goal Chaser VIP and The Book Boss Blueprint, programs she created for aspiring millennial entrepreneurs and self-published authors. Most importantly, she’s my sister in-law so we’re keeping it in the family this week. And yes… She refers to me as DJ like most of my family back home.

Gaynete has been featured in The Huffington Post, Refinery29, Black Enterprise and to name a few. She also serves thousands of ambitious women through her newsletter, Goal Chaser Insider membership and programs. She’s stunting on me y’all! We discuss:

  • How Gaynete helps millennials make a greater impact on the world
  • What a money block is and how they effect women
  • Why artists may need to think outside the box if they want to make a living from their skillset
  • How and why she vets potential clients
  • And Why everyone has the time to accomplish a big goal

There was a lot that we didn’t get into, like how living in Venezuela impacted her life, being kidnapped and held at gunpoint and more of the behind the scenes of how her business works and how she’s encouraging her daughter (My niece) to engage in entrepreneurship. I’ll definitely have her back on again to dig into those topics.

Listen to Art Pays Gayneté on Apple Podcasts


Where to find Gayneté


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