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Full Court 21

Full Court 21 Duane

When I heard that Full Court 21 – a basketball tournament that celebrates outdoor basketball culture was coming to Halifax, I had to get involved.

I love playing basketball. I particularly love playing a version of basketball known as “streetball", where style and toughness go hand-in-hand. To me, street ball is more than a sport – it's an art-form.

I was overlooked when it came to high school basketball but I would eventually make it onto the team and went on to play a small role on Bermuda College's team. Even though I made those teams, I wasn't happy with my contribution as a player. Where I did shine, was on the weekend, with my brother, tearing up some of Bermuda's best outdoor courts, like Loyal Hill, Shelly Bay and Parson’s Road.

I'll be playing in a Full Court 21 Qualifier tomorrow at Oxford School in Halifax. If you're interested in playing, registration starts at 12pm. If you're interested in watching, it's a free event that runs from 1pm-6pm. 

Bobbito Garcia's Full Court 21 2015 Official Reel

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