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The Paradigms of Love

Changing the Narrative episode 32 cover

Whoever said it was easier to raise boys than girls, Lauren's got a bone to pick with you! This week we dig into the Rap Radar Podcast interview with Will Smith and discuss love in relationships. We also talk about conversations our parents had with us as youths to prepare us for romantic relationships. Lauren's sister Hilary stops by, we talk Halifax Jazz Fest and we laugh about the winner(s) of Chase the Ace in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia!

0:25 - Cardi B & baby Kulture
2:10 - Trump Blimp Baby
3:00 - Chase the Ace - Glace Bay Edition
23:06 - 2Cream 2Sugar - Art Show - Civil Unity - July 18

9:37 - Lauren is in grind mode with Common Good Solutions and launches Steps To Startup. Duane pulls his groin, conducts interviews at Dal and discusses the differences in his kid's schedule in the summer vs. the school year. Terrence plays basketball for the first time in 2 years and continues the healthy fit regiment with two-a-day workouts and meal prepping!

33:57 - Don't Be Greedy
37:14 - The Grind is Real

41:45 - Will Smith, the paradigms of love and the difference between raising boys and girls.

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