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Changing The Narrative Episode 34 Featuring Cazhhmere

This week on Changing the Narrative we chat with Haligonian storyteller and director Cazhhmere live at Common Good Solutions. Cazhhmere has worked with artists like The Back Street Boys, Juicy J, JRDN and Classified and she joins us for a deep Q&A session. With questions like: 'How do you define the word artist?', ‘Why are East Coast creatives being held back?' and ‘How do we fix the racial divide in Nova Scotia?', we go IN! Joseph Huyer starts the show with an acknowledgement of the land. Later on we chat with Emma Paulson, Kate MacDonald and Shevy Price of Rising Youth Halifax about The Magic Project and providing resources for Halifax creatives. 

0:40 - Joseph Huyer - Land Acknowledgement 
5:55 - Introducing Cazhhmere
37:27 - Do you ever put yourself in financial risk to chase artistic passions?
46:30 - Do you ever piss clients off based on your "Creative Timeline"?
49:00 - In what ways do you find being a "business" person beneficial to being an artist?
57:26 - How do you define the word artist?
58:30 - If you have multiple creative/artistic interests, which should you pursue?
1:13:47 - What expectations/stigma do people have of you because you're from Nova Scotia?
1:18:10 - What does it feel like when people assume you and your family are pimps and strippers?
1:26:53 - Why are East Coast creatives not getting ahead the way we should?
1:34:30 - How do we fix the racial divide in Nova Scotia?
1:38:45 - Emma and Kate from Rising Youth and The Magic Project
1:47:45 - What's your lowest point and how did you get out of it?
1:55:32 - Have you had to compromise your morals for your artistry?
2:13:00 - Cazhhmere's Final Thoughts

Episode 34 on iTunes

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