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Podcamp Halifax 2018

Duane Jones

Photo credit: Rick Saulnier

I recently spoke at Podcamp Halifax about how I transitioned my hobby into a business by pursuing purpose AND profit. I opened up about my struggles with mental health and how my ambition clashed with my values as father and husband. The feedback that I received was incredible and I'm forever grateful to Podcamp for allowing me to share my story.

Additionally, Podcamp allowed us to host a LIVE episode of the Changing the Narrative Podcast. I'll share the audio from that soon. 

Changing the Narrative Podcamp Halifax 2018

Photo credit: Ezabriell Fraser

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64th Annual Student, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni Exhibition

64th Annual Student, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni Exhibition

Duane Jones and Marta Swannie for NSCAD Alumni Art Talks

Art Work: What's in a Name


